VESi Teacher Recertification Courses
You may register for these recertification courses at any time; there are no registration deadlines.
VESi courses provide distance learning graduate courses in a SELF-PACED format via an online download (computer-based instruction for teachers). VESi courses are designed to be run online from a reliable high-speed internet connection. VESi courses are now tablet compatible, making it easy for you to recertify anytime, anywhere with reliable, stable online access.
These are SELF-PACED courses. You have 6 months to complete the coursework and submit all completed materials to VESi. For complete syllabi with course requirements outlined, please visit VESi’s website. Course descriptions and identifiers are listed below.
Instant Enrollment Instructions
Questions regarding these courses may be directed to Suzanne Park,
Why DI? An Introduction to Differentiated Instruction
Course ID: RVEC 504 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course is designed to give students an understanding of the framework and need for creating supportive learning environments for diverse learning populations. Students will learn what is meant by Differentiated Instruction (DI) and the common myths associated with creating the differentiated classroom. Discussions will include legal, theoretical and pedagogical foundations in the field of education that support the utilization of differentiated instructional practices and principles. This course will also provide connections to a variety of concepts, variables and resources that will assist practitioners in aligning their own professional practices with those found in the differentiated classroom.
Early Childhood: Infant & Toddler Mental Health: Issues & Information for Educators
Course ID: RVEC 505 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: The course Infant & Toddler Mental Health has been divided into six chapters. This course will provide information on such issues as definition, best practice methods, attachment, temperament, and infant and toddler curriculum. The subject areas are sequential and, although it is not required, they should be completed in the order in which they are presented in the program. After completing these six chapters you should have the basic framework for understanding the critical role of infant and toddler mental health, as well as developmental knowledge of children from birth to thirty-six months.
Early Childhood: Family Centered Services
Course ID: RVEC 506 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Family-Centered Services is a continuum of services that employ the family-centered practice approach to promote the primary goals of child welfare: safety, permanency, and well-being. A family-centered practice approach is a way of organizing and delivering assistance and support to families based on interconnected beliefs and attitudes that shape the program philosophy and behavior of personnel as they organize and deliver services to children and families.
Early Childhood: Observation & Assessment
Course ID: RVEC 507 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course is designed to help educators, para-professionals and child caregivers observe and assess various aspects of children’s development and programs. Participants will learn the components necessary for strong observation skills, such as self-awareness, objectivity, confidentiality and ethical guidelines. The course will then discuss various types of observation and recording tools, as well as the advantages and disadvantages associated with each. Students will learn how to set goals, plan, and choose the best instrument for specific situations. Included will be tools for assessing environments, developmental milestones and programming. The why, when, where, what and how of conducting appropriate observations and authentic assessments will be covered.
Early Childhood: Program Planning
Course ID: RVEC 508 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course, Program Planning, has been divided into four chapters. The first chapter will discuss numerous considerations for planning and implementing a comprehensive, research-based curriculum for young children. Various perspectives on the history and theory behind early childhood education and child development will be examined, in addition to discussing various forms of diversity among children. We will also discuss what curriculum is, and identify guidelines presented by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) for appropriate curriculum for young children through eight years of age. We will take an overall look at the basic steps for creating an appropriate curriculum, planning a daily schedule, and creating lesson plans and activities for early childhood programs. In addition to focusing our attention on appropriate curricular approaches, we will touch briefly on several curricular approaches to avoid.
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development
Course ID: RVEC 509 ONL1C
3 Credits
Location: Distance (online)
Description: The first chapter will present an introduction to the study of child development from conception to age 6. We will examine the historical roots and methods of child study, major psychological theories, and developmental principles and definitions. In the second chapter we will start to study child development chronologically. We begin with conception and growth before birth. The third chapter starts with the end of the newborn period and covers infants from one to 12 months. The tremendous growth and development of infants in each domain–motor, cognitive, language, and social-emotional—is detailed. Finally, chapter four discusses early childhood, called the magic years (Fraiberg, 1959), of children 3-6 years old.
Methods and Materials for Teaching ESL Students
Course ID: RVEC 511 ONL1C
3 Credits
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Methods & Materials for Teaching ESL Students was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms relating to education students whose first language is not English. This course discusses how to apply instructional methods in creating lessons; how to create a motivating and caring learning environment; how to integrate teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening skills; how to differentiate instruction for English language learners and how to identify culturally appropriate curriculum and instructional resources.
Language Acquisition for ESL Students
Course ID: RVEC 512 ONL1C
3 Credits
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Language Acquisition for ESL Students was written to help teachers understand concepts and terms related to educating students whose first language is not English. This course discusses developmental theories and how they apply to English language learners. The focus of this course is on the process of second language acquisition and the role of the classroom teachers to provide services and about the types of programs schools might provide. Includes information on communicating with parents/guardians.
Build School Communities: Brain Smart Classroom Management
Course ID: RVEC 513 ONL1C
2 Credits
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course helps teachers build genuine bonds between themselves and their students and between students and their classmates to create “kindred classhomes” with a foundation of acceptance. This course will help you develop strategies, rituals and environmental design skills to create these safe havens of learning: kindred classhomes where students and teachers work together in synergistic ways that benefit all members of the school family. Students will learn how to differentiate for classroom management and discipline similarly to differentiating for students’ diverse academic needs.
Harassment, Bullying & Cyber-Intimidation in Schools
Course ID: RVEC 515 ONL1C
2 Credits
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Harassment, Bullying & Cyber-Intimidation in Schools will discuss definitions and the personal, social, and legal ramifications associated with sexual harassment, bullying, and cyber-intimidation. The course will address what we know about these troubling areas. We will then explore preventative strategies as well as how school staff can address these issues when they occur. A clear understanding of what constitutes harassment and the harmful effects of harassment on people and institutions is essential to providing a safe and inclusive school environment for all.
Attention Deficit Disorder: Information & Interventions for Effective Teaching
Course ID: RVEC 541 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: The Attention Deficit Disorder course is designed to help you achieve a better understanding of ADD and intervention strategies to facilitate positive student change. This course, taught by Mick R. Jackson MS/ED, provides you with information on the history of the disorder, accepted methods to assess and identify students with the disorder, and various methods, medications, and strategies that are currently being used to treat the disorder. This course outlines the referral process for and ADD or ADHD student and helps when you feel a student needs services beyond what you are capable or comfortable providing in your classroom environment. Reference materials include a list of resources for both teachers and parents who would like more help or information about ADD or ADHD.
Learning Disabilities: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher
Course ID: RVEC 542 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course provides an introduction to the field of Learning Disabilities for special teachers, general classroom teachers, integration teachers and related professionals especially those working in the areas of language, psychology and counseling. It will cover diverse theoretical approaches, lay the foundations for sensitive and appropriate assessment and evaluation of students, provide directions for program planning and implementation, indicate the importance of and the need for a close and positive partnership with parents (or alternative care givers) and consider ways for ensuring that the home-school axis is effective and meaningful.
Drugs & Alcohol in Schools: Understanding Substance Use & Abuse
Course ID: RVEC 544 ONL1C
2 CreditsFee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Welcome to Drugs & Alcohol in Schools, a computer-based instruction (CBI) course designed to give you a more comprehensive understanding of alcohol, drugs, and their influences in your classroom. Drugs & Alcohol in Schools provides a contextual framework for understanding what students may be experiencing either through their own substance use or from the substance use of others close to them. The course provides a basic historical perspective of substance use along with the biological, psychological, and social factors that comprise the disease of addiction. This program will help you better understand a multitude of complex dynamics that contribute to this biological and social phenomenon.
Autism & Asperger’s Disorders: Information & Effective Intervention Strategies
Course ID: RVEC 545 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course describes Autism and Asperger’s Disorder, including characteristics of these disorders, associated learning styles, communication weaknesses, and various intervention strategies. The course helps you make sense out of why individuals with autism spectrum disorders act the way they do, and what you can do to enhance more appropriate behavior. This course also lists resources for educators, related service personnel, and parents who want more help or information on autism and Asperger’s Disorder.
Inclusion: Working With Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms
Course ID: RVEC 548 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This interactive course is designed to help special and general educators gain a better understanding of inclusion, one of the current educational reform movements that advocates educating students with disabilities in the general education classrooms. Upon course completion, you will be able to define key concepts and terms, identify and describe federal legislature and court cases, and list and describe the federal definition of students entitled to special services. This course will also help you identify the roles and responsibilities of educators in providing special services to students educated in inclusive classrooms.
Talented & Gifted: Working With High Achievers
Course ID: RVEC 549 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Talented and Gifted Education provides information on the history of the exceptional in relation to education, current law, and accepted methods for referral, assessment, and identification of these students. The course also covers major program models and methods of differentiating instruction to meet the rate and level of learning of those students identified. The course gives you an understanding of ways to meet the effective needs of the gifted and talented student in the regular classroom. This course also lists resources for teachers and parents who would like more information about the talented and gifted.
Understanding Aggression: Coping With Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom
Course ID: RVEC 550 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Understanding Aggression includes topics on violence, aggression in the classroom, youth gangs, aggression in sports and on television, how drugs and alcohol play a role in aggression and violence, and “hot spots” that tend to breed aggression and violence. The course helps school personnel become more aware of the causes of aggression and ways to evaluate aggression and intervene before the aggression turns to violence in the schools. The course also speaks about aggression in our communities through driving, dating, sports, television, music and how these issues are dealt with in modern society.
Violence in Schools: Identification, Prevention & Intervention Strategies
Course ID: RVEC 554 ONL1C
2 Credits
Fee: $455
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course is designed to give you a better understanding of school violence and increase your intervention strategies. Taught by Dr. Michael Sedler, this course provides an overview of violence and the motivational purposes behind aggression. The correlation and impact of the media, community, and family upon violence is investigated. You will learn identification and intervention approaches to working with out-of-control behaviors. In addition, you will receive information about the national resources available for both parents and teachers. Upon successful completion of this course, you will have a better understanding of violence and the motivations behind the use of violence, as well as specific strategies to minimize the occurrence of violence in a school and community.
Child Abuse: Working With Abused & Neglected Children
Course ID: RVEC 553 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: Welcome to Child Abuse: Working with Abused and Neglected Children, an interactive computer-based instruction (CBI) course designed to help you identify and effectively teach students affected by child abuse and/or neglect. This course teaches you to recognize the signs of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect in students. It also discusses the specific factors that exist in families who abuse or neglect their children. A major emphasis in this course is on helping the participant understand the special learning needs of the abused or neglected child and how to meet those needs in the regular classroom. Working with parents and community agencies is also emphasized. This course meets the child abuse and neglect educational requirement in most states. It is the responsibility of the student to verify the course content with your specific state professional licensing agency to ensure proper credit.
Behavior is Language: Strategies for Managing Disruptive Behavior
Course ID: RVEC 555 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course provides a developmental framework to help you understand what students are trying to tell you through the “language” of their behavior, along with effective tools to facilitate positive student change. The course teaches behavioral techniques and intervention strategies that remediate disruptive behaviors, reduce power struggles while increasing control and reduce your workloads and burnout.
Response to Intervention: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher
Course ID: RVEC 557 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: As educators, you have probably heard the term RTI, or Response to Intervention. RTI is a process schools can and should use to help students who are struggling with academic or behavior. Even though RTI is primarily linked to special education and the early identification of learning problems, RTI is not just for students in special education. RTI is for all students and is based on the premise that a student might be struggling due to instruction or the curriculum in the past, or in the current classroom. Every teacher will have students who are struggling and whether it’s short term or long term, RTI is a valuable tool. In this course you will learn what RTI is and how to use it in your classroom.
Teaching Secondary Math Conceptually
Course ID: RVEC 510 ONL1C
3 Credits
Fee: $530
Location: Distance (online)
Description: This course will explore an instructional methodology that incorporates strategies for teaching concepts, constructively, and contextually. The goal is for you to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts of various math topics and explore the principles of teaching those concepts to learners. The course will also explore teaching methodologies that support many federal and state standards. This course will focus on the topics of integers, fractions, factoring, and functions.
Mrs. Suzanne Park
Programs Coordinator, Extended & Distance Education